Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Love my School Life ~ October Contest

This month I've been extremely busy. Not only busy at work, but also on many different projects, e.g. wedding card, wedding gift, farewell album and cards, etc. However I don't want to lose the momentum to participate in the October sketch contest organised by My Creative Sketches and here is my last-minute entry!

October's Kim Keane

This is my 4th LO for MCK monthly contest and I simply enjoy the participation and learning from other participants.... of course, for a chance to win or being featured!

I've been thinking of doing a "School" related layout for Anson. Anson loves everything at her school and she enjoys her school life so far. She has been expecting to return to school after the 2-month Summer vacation since 1st July. Finally she was back to school on 1st September.... Wow! Look at her face and you can see her dream did come true : )

Seeing the October sketch contest, I've decided to do. However I've been struggling how to get relevant materials.

Thanks Pinterest for letting me have the opportunity to download some school-related printables. I printed them by a laser printer and the quality is superb! 

I simply cut them and punched them in scallops.

At the same time, when I shopped at HK Memory Chest in Hong Kong last week, I saw there were good source of "back-to-school" related papers and adhesive; I bought a set of embellishments, which I can use them on this layout! 
*Product used ~ Little Yellow Bicycle Back to school Collection!

There is an envelopes, inserted with 5 cards where you can write something on. I've done an interview with Anson and she told me the top 5 "likes" at School. I wrote them down for her and I wish she will be amazed by what she said when she grows up.

As for the background, I used light molding paste plus an "alphabet" stencils to add a bit of texture.


I love this layout overall and surely it is a great memory how Anson is enjoying her school life.

Thanks very much.

1 comment:

  1. Darling layout! Love all the details! Thanks for playing with us at MCS!
